To stop diarrhea in its tracks without seeing the doctor first, check out our 10 very effective natural reliefs that have been proven to relief the discomfort it could bring. However, do see a doctor if it gets worse.


During a bout of diarrhea, our body flushes out the good bacteria called probiotics that help keep the intestines healthy, knocking off the balance between good and bad bacteria. Yogurt which consists of probiotics can help restart good digestion in the intestines again. Take note that when buying yogurt, it is best to buy unflavored one as it is more effective in stopping diarrhea. Mix the yogurt with a fresh piece of banana and take twice a day.

2. Peppermint Tea

According to researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center, it has shown that 75 percent of participants who used peppermint oil has helped reduce bloating, gas and diarrhea significantly. To make peppermint tea, take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves and mix with one cup of boiling water. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes and drink. You could also look for peppermint oil capsules at your local pharmacy.

3. Ginger

Ginger is very well-known for its medicinal value of helping digestive issues. Ginger can stop stomach spasms and also the gases from fermented material that causes the watery stool. In addition, it might also be able to help the stomach release gastric juices that will help with digestion. Mix two tablespoons of minced ginger root into hot water. You can also add honey into the mixture to add a little flavour to the tea. However, do not take more than 4g of ginger a day as it could be counter-productive causing more bowel movements.

4. Chamomile Tea

This soothing tea is widely known for its calming effects on a stressed mind but little is known for its ability to help troubled parts of the digestive system. Studies have shown that Chamomile is able to inhibit the growth of a certain bad bacteria in our digestive system that is one of the main causes in severe diarrhea. Chamomile tea packets can be found readily available at most supermarkets. Brew a pot of Chamomile tea and drink up to 3 times a day to stop diarrhea from getting worse.

5. Honey

Honey is a well respected natural remedy due to its many healing properties. Apart from being able to soothe a sore throat, heal small cuts and wounds and cure ulcers, honey can also help to drastically improve a diarrhea situation. Mix 4 tablespoons of honey into a cup of hot water. Drink once it cools down. Drink up to 2 times a day when having diarrhea.

6. Black Tea

It is advisable to start drinking black tea once symptoms of diarrhea kicks in because if conditions worsen, black tea will not be of help anymore. However, black tea is still very effective when taken early. Because of the substance called Tannin which helps decrease digestive activity, some have mentioned that it stops diarrhea almost immediately. Black tea is brewed from tea leaves that are more oxidised than your green teas or red teas and they contain more caffeine than regular teas. Take 2 cups a day and just when symptoms start kicking in.

7. Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal is one of the best natural remedies out there but rarely available around our house and in our pantries. However, they are readily available off the shelves at pharmacies and supermarkets. What Activated Charcoal does is that it absorbs all the bad bacteria and microbes that are causing the diarrhea. Take it for 3 days after each meal when needed and remember to stock it up just in case as it is super effective against diarrheas.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful remedy with anti-microbial and bacterial properties. It is able to replenish a good supply of good bacteria into the digestive system and helps stomach cramps during diarrhea. Mix 1-2 teaspoons into warm water and drink on an empty stomach.

9. White Rice

Taking white rice is recommended by most medical institutes as it has binding properties and it will not cause any irritation to the gut. When consuming rice during diarrhea, only plain rice should be taken without any sauces, spices or additives. Rice should be consumed in small quantities at a time and with water. If diarrhea becomes noticeably worse after consumption, discontinue and seek help from the doctor.

10. Carrots 

Carrots are full of one particular substance called pectin. Pectin is a soluble type of fibre that is able to soak up fluids in your intestines and helps to slow down the passage of stool. When taking carrots, you can boil the carrots and mash it up into a puree before consumption. Eat a quarter of a cup every half hour.

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