Good designers have a set of skills, further than their technical abilities, which make them be more likable by other people. As part of their profession they need to connect with very diverse types of people in many different levels and this makes them develop evident capabilities and aptitudes that turns them into individuals always likable by others. There are at least 10 reasons why designers are always likable.

1. They are empathetic

Good designers empathize with the users of their designs. They need to understand the needs and wants of those who will interact with their design to offer exactly what they want. The continuous user research done by designers helps them to appreciate their users behavior and to connect with them in a deeper level.

2. They are comprehensive

At the same time their job requires that sixth sense to be able to comprehend straight away what their employee or client are expecting from them. Only designers with these two different types of connection will have a sympathetic relationship with users and work mates.

3. They are business-savvy

It cannot be forgotten that design is a business in itself. Although it is a creative and enjoyable discipline, design has to be understood as part of a business and as such it always needs to have clear business objectives. As part of it, designers need to understand the business they are in and the role they play in the business model. A designers personal preferences and opinions always come after the business goals. Designers’ ability to demonstrate this hierarchy is another reason to make them more likable by others.

4. They are good listeners

To be able to understand what their clients expect from them and what their design users want, designers need to pay attention and listen. After that, they process the information and opinions received and put them into practice.

5. They are meticulous

All designers need to be extremely accurate and have a great eye for detail as they deal with miniature details every day. They also need to be consistent with the colors they use, typography, layouts, editorial styles etc. All these characteristics are part of being meticulous and careful with everything they do and others generally appreciate people with these qualities.

6. They are perfectionists

Good designers never leave the job half done. They are very keen on finishing what they have started and they also know how to react to their employers’ feedback in order to improve their design according to the business objectives.

7. They are patient

Designers are constantly working with deadlines and pressure from different perspectives. That is why to perform well and bring good results to live they need to be patient. Designers receive feedback permanently and they need to deal with criticism in a positive way as well as react quick enough to make the changes within the time limit given.

8. They have perspective

Designers find the right problems to solve and their solution everyday. To do this they need to have perspective to think outside the design. This is specially difficult and important when working on the same project for a long period of time.

9. They are talented in the visual arts

If you want to start your career in the graphic design industry, you need to be talented in the visual arts. Designers have the capability to visualize ideas, concepts and information. Although this skill can be learned over the years, designer that have innate abilities in visual arts are generally better designers.

10. They are easy to adapt

As designers work with technology, their role is always evolving. They need to be able to quickly adapt to the changes and learn the new software, techniques and tools in the areas of work. Thanks to this, they are always up-to-dated. Featured photo credit: Michael Carian via