1. They spend time watching TV shows. It is not about that great party or hanging out at the club or spending time in a party. They want to see the world from their rooms.
  2. They read a good book. They want to be filled with more knowledge and experiences. And what better way to accomplish this than to flip the pages of a book on a topic they are interested in.
  3. They reflect. Whether you term it as thinking or meditation, people who love being alone want to be with their true self and feel the world from their own perspectives. They would spend time alone in a remote cabin or in the middle of the woods doing just this.
  4. They go on a solo road trip. There is something unending about those walks or solo road trip, it gives them opportunity to evaluate their thoughts and plan for the future.
  5. They listen to the world around them. They want to listen to a special type of sound that is in tune with their soul. Such music or sounds gives them the opportunity to be in touch with their true being.
  6. They enjoy the ideal meal. It is not about eating and rushing to accomplish other tasks. People who love being alone enjoy a meal and take their time to savor it.
  7. They work on artistic pursuit. As a writer, I can do things that connect me with my true sense of purpose. People who love being alone engage in projects that engulf them and use their creativity.
  8. They spend time observing. They see the world for what it is, not passively but actively. Thus they can ask the right questions and propel a curious mind.
  9. They appreciate the weather. In summer, this means spending time outdoors. In winter, this gives you more reasons to hibernate indoors whether by the fire, reading or writing a journal.
  10. They hike on the beach. Going on walks on the beach can be so engaging, as it gives them more room to think deeply.
  11. They savor wine after a long day. It is splendid to have a bottle of wine to yourself after a long day. Not only do you savor the taste, such moments offer you a time to unwind and recall the day. (or put its events behind you).
  12. They exercise. Whether it is lifting some weights or taking a walk on the treadmill, people who love being alone have fun exercising.
  13. They cook a delicious meal.  They don’t have to think of showing off their skills to the world, they can show it off to themselves.
  14. They go to the movies. It is so much fun watching a movie alone considering that you can go when you want and sit where you want.
  15. They decorate their space to their own taste. Less distraction from people gives you the opportunity to redecorate and make your home the way you want it to be.
  16. They find time to appreciate their bodies. Looking at the mirror alone gives you enough time to know what is wrong with your physical and mental outlook and what is not.
  17. They go with the flow. Sometimes having plans can be so burdensome. Loners know how to go with the flow.
  18. They find memories in photos they have taken in the past.  You enjoy looking through the photo album and appreciating the past.
  19. They go hunting. Going through the woods to find game can teach you patience and perseverance. Loners enjoy doing this.
  20. They write. Writing heals the spirit. It shows that you are willing to express your frustrations, anxieties, and anticipation. People who love being alone write every now and then. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com