1. Automobile

2. Family

As a child we all remember that one family member that we could not stand. They would always irritate us, embarrass us, maybe even pick on us. A funny thing has happened; that person is now your closest confidant and you look back at those childhood memories with a smile and great fondness. “Do you remember when…” is a phrase that is always used when the two of you get together. BEFORE: “Get away from me!” AFTER: “Lets do something this weekend. Give me a call.”

3. Weekend

The weekend was made as a time for us to relax and get our battery charged again. The definition on how we relax has changed as we get older. BEFORE: Have fun catching up with friends and staying up as long as you can. AFTER: Have fun catching up on sleep and trying to sleep as early as possible at night.

4. Apple

Believe it or not there was a time when Apple was not the standard that all companies strive to emulate. It is well documented how bad and how close the company was to closing up shop. Today, Apple is the standard bearer and model for every company out there regardless of its industry. BEFORE: Michael Dell when asked what would he do if he was running Apple, said: “What would I do?  I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholder.” AFTER: A recent story from ABC news says that “Apple’s stock hit a new high of $102.78 in Thursday morning’s trading before falling back to close at $102.25, up 12 cents for the session. The shares have risen 25 percent in 2014.”

5. Vitamins

The pill that was always supposed to make up for our lack of eating the right foods. We were all forced to take this pill as a child. Now, we take it willingly hoping that it will slow down the forces of mother nature. BEFORE: Flintstone Vitamins AFTER: One A Day vitamins

6. Cell-Phone

Today’s modern cell phone can be called the swiss army knife of the electronics world. Subtract everything that a smart phone can do with the exception of making a phone call, sending a text message (20 characters or less), and playing games (actually one game…SNAKE) and you have a phone from the 1990’s. BEFORE: Nokia 5110 AFTER: Iphone 6

7. Mom

A bond between a mother and her child is a life long connection. It was enduring as a child, irritating as a teenager and young adult, whileit is searched for as an adult. BEFORE: “Leave me alone, Mom!” AFTER: “Mom…I need your advice.”

8. Friends

As a child, our definition of the word was limited to people that have actually seen us and know our real name. Social Media has completely redefined this word. BEFORE: The five kids that lived around the block from us. AFTER: The 5,000 followers we have on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, Etc.

9. Trouble

The authority figure we had growing up (parents, teachers, etc.) have now been replaced by society. BEFORE: “Please don’t call my parents.” AFTER: “Please don’t call the cops.”

10. Directions

During our parents time on the road, the way to navigate the streets was with a fold-up map. The internet made our travels a little easier.  Smart phones have now allowed even a 5 year old the opportunity to walk to grandma’s house. BEFORE: MapQuest (Still have to read directions) AFTER: Google maps (Turn by turn directions)

11. Social Network

One may argue that the large quantity of friends we have received from social media is the greatest thing the interest has given us. The outlet on how we accumulated those “friends” have changed as the years go by. BEFORE: Myspace AFTER: Facebook

12. Expectation

Expectation is going to change as we get older. The receiver is now the provider and the followers are now the leaders. This is the natural progression of our society BEFORE: You are expected to finish school. AFTER: You are expected to pay the bills.

13. Collecting Videos

Movies serve as a time capsule for our life. Recall any old movie and you can also recall the age you were, what you were doing, and what you were going through at the time. This is the reason why we collect movies. The definition of movies haven’t change. The media on what we collect has changed. BEFORE: DVD’s AFTER: AppleTV

14. Complaining

The beautiful thing about our society is that we have a voice. One of the powerful tools we have to voice our displeasure is to be vocal about our experience. Because of technology, the way we complain has changed and we can now reach more people to voice our opinions. BEFORE: “Let me talk to you manager.” AFTER: Let me complain on Yelp, Twitter, Trip Advisor, Angie’s List, etc.

15. Movies

Watching movies is an event that has been ruined by technology. Remember the times when going to the movies was exciting? Plans had to be made well in advance, transportation had to be secured, funds had to be ready. For better or worse we can now watch any movie at any time. Please be respectful of all intellectual property. BEFORE: “Let’s go to the movie theater to watch Hercules.” AFTER: “Lets get online and find a bootleg of Hercules.”

16. Recording

The days when you would stand beside a radio, finger trembling, waiting for the start of your favorite song and praying that you press record after the DJ stops talking are long gone? Finding our favorite song is a lot easier now. BEFORE: Recording on a tape cassette. AFTER: Going on iTunes and buying the song. Some people just search google for a copy.

17. Invitation

Handing an invitation to someone for an event was as stressful as waiting at the DMV for your drivers license (See number 1). What if they say no? What if you cannot find them? Invitations were a buzzkill. Today, invitations are the least stressful task of any event. BEFORE: Personally give a hard copy of the invitation. AFTER: Send an Evite, or set up an RSVP on social media like Facebook.

18. Vacations

Vacations are a time to spend with family and friends. Adults love them, kids look forward to them, teenagers despise them. Our age and stage in life determines how we define this word. BEFORE: “I don’t want to go. I dont want to stay with the family. I have a life. I miss my friends.” AFTER: “Where are the kids? Did we bring all the bags? You are going and you are going to have fun. Watch your brothers and sisters while we go out for awhile.”

19. Saturday

The definition of Saturday was to wake up early, watch TV, relax, and just do nothing! At least that used to be the definition. Saturday has turned out to be more hectic that monday. BEFORE: Saturday morning cartoons. Fun and relaxation. AFTER: Trying to sleep in but being awoken by your kids watching TV. Making them breakfast and getting them ready for baseball (football, gymnastics, soccer, ballet, etc.) and hoping you don’t forget anything as you rush out of the door.

20. Blogging

The beautiful thing about our society is that we have a voice (see number 14). The internet has allowed everyone and anyone to be a blogger. Blogging used to be done by people who were wannabe writers. Bloggers are now well respected writers with a captive audience. BEFORE: Only geeks and nerds blog. AFTER: Smart people blog and the readers have a great source of intellectual opinions. Also a great way to make money. We look back at our younger years and laugh at all the changes we have seen now that we are older. It is only a matter of time until our kids experience this as well.

20 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 7620 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 9220 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 9720 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 2320 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 5120 Words That Are Now Defined Differently Because You Are Older - 34