However, this would be a perspective of a customer, my question is: How would you react if you’re the brains behind the whole success? As a restaurateur, you eventually lose your love for cooking and most times fall prey to the overnight fame and stress. After weeks of exploring Bosnia and it’s food culture, I’ve managed to put together a collection of advice that might help you enjoy owning a restaurant and making food for the rest of your life.

1. Food Should Always Be The Priority Over Money

In our world these days, money has always seemed to take the highest priority, therefore, it’s no surprise that a restaurant business revolves around money and popularity. There are many chefs that started off making food due to passion however eventually became the slave of profit. According to Gordon Ramsay whom in my point of view is the Father Of Food, never failed to stress the importance of focusing on the quality and the taste of the food instead of the income. He firmly believes that for a restaurant to be successful, the love and passion should be portrayed through the food and not the check. It’s a lesson many restaurateurs forget over time. Therefore if you’re finding it hard to rekindle your cooking spirit, go back to the first kitchen you started and reminisce on why and how you fell in love with making food. You’ll be able to find the kitchen diva in you yet again.

2. Creativity Is Never The Final Destination

Often enough I hear from the new age hipsters that the best way to make food is being creative; however my trip to ancient Bosnia proved otherwise. Creativity is definitely a crucial aspect , especially in the current world we live in, however, remembering our past and trailing back in time could actually be the point of view many restaurants might need these days. As the times moved on, we find an immense amount of gastronomic restaurants around us but we have slowly forgotten how food was created. We have slowly started leaving behind traditions and history of how food was made. This has led to the extinction of traditional cuisine. As they say, creativity lies in the eyes of the beholder; find out your own roots and bring that back to your restaurant. I can guarantee you, it will give both your customers and you the satisfaction and joy needed in being part of the food industry.

3. Prioritize Your Employees First

When you’re a boss, it’s easy to forget how to be humble; while many may disagree it’s psychologically proven that humans tend to indulge in power. Over the years many companies have practiced openness and trust as part of the companies growth. Therefore, both employees and bosses are bound by protocols which keep them equal and satisfied. These have also become the practice of many restaurants as they realize the importance to hire great people and to keep great people as they progress. When your restaurant reaches a point of passive income, you would need employees who aren’t working for the benefits but working for the love and loyalty of the company. This attitude gives you the opportunity to expand and grow without the fear of being betrayed, hence increasing your restaurant’s profit, keeps your clients happy, and allows your employees to prosper. If you’re a person who has trouble communicating, allow them to speak to you first and then give yourself time to speak to them. Always keep in mind that a great restaurant is in the hands of great employees.

4. Always Make Sure To Have A Financial Planner

Over time a well-known restaurant or a growing restaurant will start gathering passive income. This becomes prominent when you start reaping huge profits and have the capacity of expansion. It’s an accomplishment and often times a break many restaurateurs would’ve spent their entire lifetime waiting for. However , with greatness comes responsibility and the stress for financial organization. The best advice is to always have a financial adviser or auditor that you trust. Preferably avoid family and friends, this is because there’s always a fine line between business and relationships and often time working together with people you love could end up disastrously. Therefore, hire someone who’s known for their organization, have great experiences and one you know that you can rely on. I suppose your instincts should be your best teacher regarding this matter. Generally, being a restaurateur allows you the freedom to be creative and allows you to live the dream life if a certain balance is maintained. This tips will definitely be of great use for those who are growing and looking forward to being part of this industry. Featured photo credit: Google Images. via