If this frantic race seems like your life, take heart; there is a simple way to streamline your family, save your sanity, and bring everyone to the same page. If you want a happier household with better communication and more quality time, buy a huge dry erase board. Introducing an oversize dry erase board as a centerpiece for communication and family involvement is a smart investment for your money for these reasons:

1. Chores will actually get done

Life before the big board is tough because everyone is scrambling through the week like chickens with their heads cut off. The list of little things that were overlooked tend to swamp moms and dads – and when momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. On the board, you can devote a square to the rotation of weekly chores, as well as odds and ends that need completion. Kiddos and spouses can check off jobs when they are accomplished. The board will also remind them of their responsibilities so you don’t have to nag them. As a bonus, you can get your children involved in assigning weekly responsibilities so they can experience greater ownership in the household economy.

2. It will ease tension between you and your spouse

All of the little things that we expect our spouses to accomplish via ESP never quite seem to happen. When they don’t, it strains our relationships. Even the “honey-dos” that are communicated, often happen in passing, when we are least likely to remember. So, when your wife wants you to take the garbage to the trash, it’s a zillion times more likely to happen if you see a concrete representation of that request on your big board. Each member in your family has a different way of perceiving the world. For example, some are auditory learners, while others are visual. When you have additional methods of communicating, you’re more likely to achieve the end result you have in mind.

3. It will enhance appreciation and respect in your family

So many times, the things that are asked of a family member go unrecognized or without praise because people run in and out of the house so quickly. When you have a big board, you can leave little messages that show your appreciation for a job well done or a good deed – even if that family member isn’t home. When they come back to the board, they’ll see your note, and it will make all the difference in the world. Family members who feel appreciated and needed will take ownership in family goals, and step up to greater responsibilities. If you want to prepare your children for taking on greater responsibilities and self sufficiency, the big board is a fun and interactive way to help them take pride in their contributions and responsibilities.

4. It is a unique ritual that enhances your families identity

When your child’s friends come over and see this gigantic board by the kitchen with all colors of the rainbow artfully squiggled, your kids will tell them all about how you guys get stuff done with the board, how much fun it is, and why their family needs one too. The big board actually represents something far deeper that what it appears. It represents a willingness to communicate and love each other better. Centering your family around that symbol and weaving your days and weeks on it will enhance the identity of your family. The ritual of making plans, executing them, and showing appreciation on the big board will be something that uniquely characterizes your family’s love for each other. When your kids grow older, they’ll look back nostalgically on how much the big board meant to them, and how special it was. Then you can get one for your children’s and grandchildren’s houses.

5. It will make long-term planning attractive for your children

All the fun and excitement surrounding interactions with the big board will program the idea that teamwork, sacrifice, and long-term planning are really good things. You can get creative with it too. If you feel one youngster has been going above and beyond in helping others and taking on additional responsibilities, you can clip little coupons that are good for one round of putt-putt golf, or go-karting, or pin tickets to a baseball or basketball game. Physical representations, like pictures of privileges that your children want to earn, like learning how to drive, or going on a vacation to the Bahamas, can be posted on top of the board. This will help them keep focused on their goals and responsibilities. The big board will help instill the lesson that privileges are earned with responsibility, and that the two go hand in hand. Tying those concepts together in a fun family ritual will be most instructive on your children’s future while helping you to accomplish the things that need to get done around the house.


Your family can use all the help it can get to function peaceably and efficiently. For something that costs $100 or less, a big board will pay out big dividends for your families happiness and cohesion in the short and long term. Featured photo credit: Color markers/ Osseous via flickr.com