But forget the naysayers and keep playing, because in the end, video games can help teach you the skills it takes to be a winner. I’m not talking about being a winner in the sense of winning the game or any competition, but in life itself. By playing video games you are learning lessons and developing skills that will pay off later. You are actually gaining experience that will help you succeed in the dog-eat-dog world of business. I’m not kidding; there are plenty of things entrepreneurs have gained from playing video games earlier in life, and you can gain some of the same advantages. There are literally hundreds of ways gaming can improve workplace skills, and there is loads of sound research to back this up. Here are just five ways gaming can be beneficial and can help you in the future.

Develop a competitive spirit

I know this sounds obvious and clichéd, but it’s actually true. By playing video games, you are developing a competitive can-do spirit that will help you later on. While playing, you are developing the skills to take on and face any obstacle and overcome any challenge thrown at you. You’re learning that you can follow the rules of the game and still come out on top if you’re determined enough.

Make work fun

It’s hard work to succeed and win in a video game, but you continue to play the games because they’re also fun. Work is no different when you think about it. Each assignment and challenge is actually another level of the game waiting to be conquered. Gaming requires critical thinking, in-depth analysis and strategy building—all skills valuable in the workplace. There’s also problem solving, risk taking, and the need to organize groups of people within games, and these are positive skills for the entrepreneur.

Learn that working hard pays off

The more you practice video games, the more you’ll receive gaming benefits that will translate into real life. In other words, hard work pays off. The workplace is no different. You’re going to be faced with any number of problems that need to be overcome on a daily basis. But, by playing video games you’ve learned that through hard work and determination you can overcome anything. No assignment is too tough for you, because you’ve already learned that the only way to get to the next level is by taking on the challenge before you right now.

Video games make you smarter

There’s actually been peer-reviewed research conducted that shows playing video games can actually make you smarter. Gaming improves spatial reasoning, memory, attention span and even strategic planning. It also improves social skills and can help individuals handle stressful situations with a more positive attitude. Video games improve motor skills and reaction times as well. In the end, the idea that video games are beneficial isn’t just an opinion – it’s sound science.

Learn to think on your feet

Gaming requires that you make sound, split-second decisions. Make the wrong one and you could be out of the game. You’re forced to think on your feet, and you learn there’s no going back once that decision is made. The repercussions of a poor decision are instantaneous in gaming and often have disastrous consequences. You can’t afford a mistake, so you develop the skills to be able to make an instant decision without hesitation or reservation. There is no second-guessing with gaming, so you develop the confidence to stand by a decision once it is made. Featured photo credit: Vito Fun via flickr.com