via However, as I walked into my first solo concert experience, I felt uncertain as I awkwardly wondered if I’d made the right decision. My eyes nervously darted around the room, half hoping I wouldn’t see anyone I knew and half praying for a familiar face amongst the sea of happy concertgoers. Once I realized that the crowd couldn’t be less concerned that I was alone, a relaxing wave of confidence floated over me and I began to sink a little easier into my own skin. Without having to entertain a conversation with a friend, I was able to absorb more of my surroundings and garnered an immersive experience – taking in the buzzing atmosphere filled with life. Ultimately, I learned that the negative stigma around going to a concert by yourself is far from the truth. If you’re a little nervous to fly solo to a gig, check out the reasons below to spread your musical wings.


1. You’re in a better place to meet new people if you’re alone at a show.

The first time I went to a concert by myself, I was surprised at how many totally random people struck up friendly conversations and were kinder than I thought strangers ever could be. A solo gig is a perfect place to meet new friends, network, and to restore your faith in humanity by chatting with people, you never thought you would. But, be sure to be present and in the moment when you’re at a concert by yourself. Although it’s easy to fall into the trap of staring at your phone in fear of looking awkward, this isolation isn’t helping you branch out and prevents you from meeting someone who might be just as nervous.


2. You won’t have to worry if your friends are having as awesome of a time as you are.

Have you ever had stars in your eyes from being blown away by your favorite group’s best song, just to look over at your friend who barely knows the lyrics and seems disinterested? Total buzzkill. If you’re at a concert by yourself, you can dance to the beat of your own drum or meet other people who love the music just as much as you do. Bonus: you already have something in common with everyone else around you. Music is an amazing force that brings unlikely friends together.


3. You’re in control.

No one to wait on and risk being late, no one to tell you when to leave. Going to a concert alone is a boost of self-confidence as it puts you in the driver’s seat of your happiness, a rare and beautiful moment to cherish. Want to stare at the light show and take in your surroundings for a full five minutes just because? Go for it. Want to leave in the middle of the show because you got hungry? Happy eating. The freedom that comes with a solo excursion is liberating and empowering.


4. View the concert from where ever you want.

One obstacle you’ll face while attending an unseated show with a huge group of friends is getting a spot in the crowd where you can see all of the action. Simultaneously pleasing both the friends who need to be front and your more reserved friends who would rather listen from the back corner is a challenge you won’t have to face if you go to a concert on your own. Say goodbye to chain-linking everyone’s arms together and weaving through an annoyed crowd. If you’re by yourself, you won’t have to worry about disappointing anyone if you would prefer to chill in the back, and wiggling your way to center stage becomes much easier.


5. You’re doing something brave, and it will be reflected in your character.

By taking a chance on going to a concert alone, you’ve pushed yourself to face the challenge of social awkwardness, and thus you’ve expanded your horizons. Taking a leap of faith by experiencing a concert for the pure joy of making yourself happy is a great way to foster the most important relationship you’ve got – the one with yourself. I hope I’ve inspired you to feel confident enough to go to a concert by yourself. No show is worth missing just because no friends are available that night. Make it something to remember!