The truth is, we all possess amazing qualities and abilities. We may not all be the same, but it is in our uniqueness that we find our brilliance. Perhaps one of the most beautiful expressions of this truth is from Marianne Williamson, With that said, here are 9 reasons you are brilliant but do not realize:

1. You hear “that’s impossible!” and see a challenge, not a conclusion.

Life is a continually journey of setting up goals and knocking them down. Failures are merely a stepping stone for you as you progress toward success. Rather than seeking to be in the comfort zone, you know that most of your growth comes from being outside the comfort zone.

2. You are emotionally intelligent.

Far beyond being able to remember facts, statistics, and solving mathematical equations. You have a unique ability to interpret and evaluate not only your own varying emotions, but also others. You possess this social intelligence and wisdom that knows when and how to act in different situations.

3. You expect the best. From Yourself.

Beyond the expectations of anyone else, you place the greatest expectations on yourself. Your life is marked by excellence because you pursue excellence. People wonder why great things always “‘happen” to you, but you wonder why people will settle for anything but great things. You keep setting the bar higher.

4. You are a Jack-of-all-trades. And a master.

You have proved brilliance to yourself in accomplishing many goals throughout life. You have a cabinet filled with trophies from your high school and college days. There is always some party trick that you can pull out when the room gets a little dull—even if it is just a bit of juggling. You are in the process of mastering a new skill right now.

5. You are never the bystander.

While people sit back and watch things happen, you are right in the middle making things happen. When everything is chaotic and people are wondering what to do, you are solving the problem and leading people to get the job done. You never sit on the sideline; you are always playing the game.

6. You have 9 lives.

Curious as a cat, you may have hurt yourself in your curious endeavors, but the reason you know so much about so many things is because you are not afraid to step out and give something a shot. Everything is a learning experience for you. You have put your body on the line many times before, and have scars to prove it.

7. Your dreams and goals are unrealistic.

That quote, “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough” is written on your wall, in your journal, or saved on your phone. You often do not share your dreams with people because they think you are crazy. But it is the crazy people who think they can change the world that actually do.

8. You despise conformity.

Rather than follow the well-beaten path, you seek to tread a new trail. You are a pioneer. A trendsetter. People often look to you for advice and guidance. Instead of doing the same thing over and over, you are constantly thinking of new ways to do things.

9. You possess a relentless passion and drive.

You work harder than anyone that you know and believe that luck is something that comes with hard work. You believe that perspiration and perseverance are the keys to any success. You are also patient and know that if you continue to do the work, good things will happen. You know life is a marathon and you keep pushing. Instead of envying the brilliance that you see in so many other people’s lives, you need to take a moment and look in the mirror. You. Are. Brilliant.