‘Ike is the Hawaiian word for knowledge, and traditionally, the word Hō‘ike‘ike has been used in Hawai‘i to describe a display of wonderful things one can learn about, such as in a museum or art show. It seemed to be the perfect word to capture the spirit of a yearend blog carnival, and we set our sights on collecting blogger’s bests on management and leadership topics. Happily, many readers agreed this was a tradition worth keeping, and therefore, we recently held our 2nd Annual Hō‘ike‘ike this past week. It is my great honor to share it with the Lifehack.org community of readers. Hō‘ike‘ike 2006; 30 Links to Blogger’s Bests on Management and Leadership in 2006 There is so much for us to learn about the working arts of management and leadership, and as Hō‘ike‘ike demonstrates so well, the most timely lessons can be learned within the generosity of the thought leaders who blog to give their knowledge freely. Visit Hō‘ike‘ike, and receive your holiday gift of knowledge from Anita Campbell, Arnie Herz, Blaine Collins, Dan Oestreich, Dan Ward, Dave Rothacker, David Zinger, Dawn Rivers Baker, Dwayne Melancon, EM Sky, Easton Ellsworth, George Ambler, Greg Balanko-Dickson, Jason Womack, Kirsten Harrell, Lee Iwan, Mike Sansone, Mike Wagner, Pete Aldin, Phil Gerbyshak, Rebecca Thomas, Steve Sherlock, Steve Vaught, Tim Draayer, Tim Milburn, Tony D. Clark, Verna Wilder, and Yvonne DiVita. Related postings:

From last year—Best Managing and Leading Posts in 2005 On Joyful Jubilant Learning—Learning Through Blog Forums

Rosa Say is the author of Managing with Aloha, Bringing Hawaii’s Universal Values to the Art of Business and the Talking Story blog. She is the founder of Say Leadership Coaching, a company dedicated to bringing nobility to the working arts of management and leadership.

A Christmas Gift  H  ike ike Returns - 41